Mental Health
When Dreams Are Put On Hold
In Afghanistan, women's blocked opportunities to have a career, contribute to society and earn a living are creating a mental health crisis.
Mental Health
In Afghanistan, women's blocked opportunities to have a career, contribute to society and earn a living are creating a mental health crisis.
Improved social support, more role models, and reduced bias in medical schools have fueled the change. When it comes to patient outcomes, it makes a difference.
Mental Health
Wars, wildfires and felonious world leaders are dominating the news cycle. But also: Diseases are being treated, solar power is booming and some animals are back from the brink of extinction.
Persisting Through Politics
The journalist Jessica Valenti chronicles the pro-life movement in forensic detail in her new book. Ahead of the election, she says, voters need to get angry.
Maternal Care
Maternal mortality is shockingly high in the U.S. What exactly is being done about it?
Online abortion providers face constant headwinds, even with protections and systems in place.